Senior Art Director in San Francisco, CA

starz nude

STARZ: NUDE Documentary

Send Nudes

"Nude" is a 2017 American documentary film about a talent search and a Pirelli Calendar-inspired fine art nude calendar production named NU Muses. STARZ asked us to create a pitch for the launch campaign, and “Send Nudes” was my social idea that won the pitch.

Art Direction. Conceptual. Social Media. Print. OOH
Role: Art Director


Every day, countless people tweet the phrase "send nudes." It has become a solicitation turned phenomenon, turned meme. To harness this trend and turn it into a unique opportunity, we devised a bold strategy to finally make their dreams come true. For every "send nudes" tweet, we will respond with a reply featuring a censored nude image of one of our models, accompanied by a link to the complete, uncensored photo, the trailer, and additional information about our models (from the calendar/documentary).

This approach exemplifies mass marketing at its most social, leveraging the power of social media to engage with our audience and create a buzz around the new documentary.


In addition to Starz' promotional efforts, we're also enlisting the help of a very appealing group of influencers — the models who made it into the calendar. We'll be asking all twelve of them to reach out to their followers with a very enticing offer.


Too Sexy For Social

Like any good TV network, our trailer will be posted on social platforms. As much of it as they'll allow, anyway.

Because just when it starts to get sexy, the video will gets censored. Only people who DM us get the full trailer for the movie.


Too Sexy For Public

Our digital creative isn’t the only thing getting censored. Any OOH support (posters, subway signs, bus stop takeovers, etc.) features enticing censored imagery and a Snapcode to reveal the complete story. 

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